Basic Usage

In the following we are going to discuss the different options and caveats that come with mixing MPI and pytorch’s automatic differentiation (AD) functionality, and what consequences this has for using the mpi4torch library.

Note that although we will within this document mostly talk about the interplay of mpi4torch with pytorch’s AD, this does not mean that mpi4torch could not in principle be used as one might expect coming from other MPI libraries. The main difference, however, is that if one plans to use mpi4torch as a building block in some automatic differentiable code, the usage of mpi4torch actually differs a lot to these “classical” programming paradigms. It is thus highly recommended for everybody to read this document before, e.g., literally translating MPI calls to mpi4torch.

How pytorch’s AD works

Since it is important for what follows, we start with a quick reminder on how the AD engine in pytorch is used. Consider the following code

import torch

a = torch.tensor([0.5]).requires_grad_()
b = torch.exp(a)
assert(a.grad == b)

This code simply computes the derivative of the function \(f(x) = e^x\) at the point \(x=0.5\). In the code we do so by initializing a torch tensor a that has the flag requires_grad = True set, which we do here by calling the requires_grad_() method. This flag is in some sense contagious: Allmost all torch functions that are called with a as their argument, pass this flag also to their output. In the example above this is the exponential function, which returns a tensor b that has also this flag set. In addition to this flag b comes with the info that it was computed from a and a property, which is called the gradient function grad_fn. This is the function that tells pytorch what to do in the backward automatic differentiation pass.

To illustrate this a bit more, consider the following directed acyclic graph (DAG) that represents the computational flow in the forward phase:

digraph forwarddag {
   exp [shape=rectangle];
   "a" -> exp -> "b";

Forward DAG

What now happens in the backward pass is that pytorch executes a reversed DAG of the foward DAG, just with the functions replaced by their gradient functions. E.g. in the example above this would look like

digraph backwarddag {
   ExpBackward [shape=rectangle];
   "1" -> ExpBackward -> "a.grad";

Backward DAG

In particular, pytorch starts off with \(1\), which is obviously the derivative of b with respect to itself. It then executes the grad_fn function, which in this example is the ExpBackward function. Not shown in the illustration is that the grad_fn function internally has a reference to the result of the forward calculation, which is then muliplied with 1 and defines the output of ExpBackward. Finally pytorch stores this result in a.grad, which now contains the derviative of b with respect to a.

This principle of course can be generalized to more complicated DAGs. pytorch in these situations still builds up the backwards DAG by recording the gradient functions and the dependencies on the go, and then executes this graph when the backward method is called. However, there are still some important implications for the usage in the following, which we want to highlight:

Automatic differentiable functions should at best be pure functions

This statement is — if written out like that — probably not any news, since the concept of a differentiable function is a mathematical one, and all mathematical functions are pure in a procedural sense. Hence, a programmatic representation of a mathematically differentiable function should at best also be pure.

This has some implications. One of the more important ones is, as obvious as it may seem, that this function needs to have an input and an output. Without an input (and without explicitly modifying the autograd meta data) the output of a function is from the perspective of the AD engine a constant. The same applies for functions with no output, whose branch in the backward DAG execution is simply omitted by the AD engine.

Since this is so important, we repeat it:


All automatic differentiable functions need to depend on some input tensor, and need to return an output tensor.

DAG edges can only be pytorch tensors of floating point type

This goes into the same direction as the last remark. Obviously differentiability is from its mathematical definition strongly tied to of the real numbers, and the floating point numbers are the only approximation to them we have in pytorch.

As such we can only exchange floating point tensors along the edges in the DAG.

That some form of additivity is required for the structures that are transported along the DAG edges can also be seen from the following example

a = ...
tmp1 = F(a)
tmp2 = G1(tmp1)
tmp3 = G2(tmp2)
b = H(tmp1, tmp2)

Note in particular that the output from the node F is used twice: once as the input for G1 and once as the input for G2. The forward DAG would then look like

digraph foo {
   F [shape=rectangle];
   G1 [shape=rectangle];
   G2 [shape=rectangle];
   H [shape=rectangle];
   "a" -> F -> G1 -> H -> "b";
   F -> G2 -> H;

Forward DAG with bifurcation

The corresponding backward DAG would by simply inverting the arrows and substituting the function calls by the respective backward function calls, have the form

digraph foo2 {
   FBackward [shape=rectangle];
   G1Backward [shape=rectangle];
   G2Backward [shape=rectangle];
   HBackward [shape=rectangle];
   "1" -> HBackward -> G1Backward -> FBackward -> "a.grad";
   HBackward -> G2Backward -> FBackward;

Backward DAG with bifurcation

However, what this picture does not show is that the bifurctation in the forward evaluation of b becomes an addition in the backward pass. A more detailed representation of the backward DAG would thus be

digraph foo2 {
   FBackward [shape=rectangle];
   "+" [shape=rectangle];
   G1Backward [shape=rectangle];
   G2Backward [shape=rectangle];
   HBackward [shape=rectangle];
   "1" -> HBackward -> G1Backward -> "+" -> FBackward -> "a.grad";
   HBackward -> G2Backward -> "+";

Backward DAG with explicit addition

To sum up:


The edges in the DAG representation can only be pytorch tensors of floating point type.

Implications for mpi4torch

mpi4torch is a MPI wrapper library for pytorch tensors that tries to be as transparent as possible to pytorch’s AD engine. By transparent we in particular mean that we do not touch the AD engine, but rather provide the MPI functions as nodes in the DAG that pytorch composes. To be more precise, one should say the DAGs that pytorch composes, which brings us already to one of the ramifications of this design decision: When parallelizing your program with mpi4torch it is still the case that each MPI rank has its individual DAG that is run during the backward step. Most importantly, these DAGs do not know anything about each other, and thus cannot resolve any dependencies with requires_grad set from any other rank. As a consequence it is the sole responsibility of the user to manage these dependencies.

We will come to it in a minute how the user actually can encode these dependencies, but first start with an example. Consider the following code, which shows the often used Isend-Recv-Wait idiom. It from a communication perspective simply receives a tensor from the left process and passes its own tensor to the right, if all ranks are imagined to be arranged in a circle.

import torch
import mpi4torch

comm = mpi4torch.COMM_WORLD

a = torch.tensor([1.0 + comm.rank]).requires_grad_()

handle = comm.Isend(a,(comm.rank+1)%comm.size, 0)
b = comm.Recv(torch.empty_like(a), (comm.rank-1+comm.size)%comm.size, 0)

res = a+b

This code follows usual MPI coding paradigms and works as expected. However, when we would start asking for the gradient of (the sum of all) res with respect to the individual a s, we would get an incorrect result.

print(a.grad) # <- this would print tensor([1.])

The print function would actually display 1 as the result, whereas taking the derivative of the sum of all res variables on all ranks with respect to that specific a variable should be 2.

This is just one of the things that could happen. There are many more situations, in which the program would run flawlessly in forward mode, but would e.g. deadlock in the backward pass. To exemplify how this happens we will look once more at a graphical representation of the DAG.

digraph foo2 {
   rank = same;
   subgraph clusterrankm1 {
      a1 [label="a"];
      res1 [label="res"];
      node [shape=rectangle];
      Isend1 [label="Isend"];
      Wait1 [label="Wait"];
      Recv1 [label="Recv"];
      p1 [label="+"];
      a1 -> Isend1 -> Wait1;
      Recv1 -> p1 -> res1;
      a1 -> p1;
      label = "rank - 1";
      color = black;
   subgraph clusterrank {
      a2 [label="a"];
      res2 [label="res"];
      node [shape=rectangle];
      Isend2 [label="Isend"];
      Wait2 [label="Wait"];
      Recv2 [label="Recv"];
      p2 [label="+"];
      a2 -> Isend2 -> Wait2;
      Recv2 -> p2 -> res2;
      a2 -> p2;
      label = "rank";
   subgraph clusterrankp1 {
      a3 [label="a"];
      res3 [label="res"];
      node [shape=rectangle];
      Isend3 [label="Isend"];
      Wait3 [label="Wait"];
      Recv3 [label="Recv"];
      p3 [label="+"];
      a3 -> Isend3 -> Wait3;
      Recv3 -> p3 -> res3;
      a3 -> p3;
      label = "rank + 1";

   Isend1 -> Recv2 [style=dotted, constraint=false];
   Isend2 -> Recv3 [style=dotted, constraint=false];
   #Isend3 -> Recv1 [style=dotted, constraint=false];

Forward DAG for the Isend-Recv-Wait idiom

The graph as shown above shows the dependencies between the different computations as seen from pytorch’s perspective with the addition of some dotted arrows that show the actual communication that is happening.

If we would now invert the arrows in order to get the corresponding backward DAG we would obtain

digraph foo2 {
   subgraph clusterrankm1 {
      a1 [label="a.grad"];
      res1 [label="1"];
      node [shape=rectangle];
      Isend1 [label="IsendBackward", style=filled, color=gray];
      Wait1 [label="WaitBackward", style=filled, color=gray];
      Recv1 [label="RecvBackward", style=filled, color=gray];
      p1 [label="AddBackward0"];
      Wait1 -> Isend1 -> a1;
      res1 -> p1 -> Recv1;
      p1 -> a1;
      label = "rank";

Backward DAG for the Isend-Recv-Wait idiom for a single rank

This graph immanently makes clear why a.grad contains 1 in the end. All grayed-out nodes are omitted — or to be more precise, not even generated — by pytorch’s AD engine, such that only AddBackward0 is called, which just passes through 1 to a.grad.

From this discussion and the Forward DAG for the Isend-Recv-Wait idiom it becomes apparent that there are some parts that are implicit in the program code but that are missing in the DAG representation:

  1. As noted earlier, the DAGs are local to each MPI rank, and they do not resolve any dependencies that are the effect of communication.

  2. The DAGs also lack any information that was present in the linear ordering of commands in the source code file. E.g. the Recv call has to happen after Isend, and Wait has to happen after Recv.

It is the users responsibility to encode these dependencies in the DAG!. This brings us to the tools mpi4torch provides to mitigate this situation.

The first one is a direct consequence of the discussion in the section on pure functions: all DAG nodes need an input and an output. In our example above, this would e.g. concern the mpi4torch.MPI_Communicator.Wait() call. In principle, MPI_Wait does not return a floating point tensor. However, mpi4torch returns a floating-point tensor, giving the user the possibility to use it to encode any other dependencies on the Wait call. These tensors are named dummies in mpi4torch. They do not convey any other information than that there is some (virtual/artificial) dependency to be encoded in the DAG.

The dummies themselves are not really useful without a way to join them with the DAG. This is what the mpi4torch.JoinDummies() function is actually for. The call signature of mpi4torch.JoinDummies() is given by

def JoinDummies(loopthrough: torch.Tensor, dummies: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor

The function takes two arguments: the loopthrough variable and a list of dummies. From a forward execution perspective the JoinDummies function is a no-op, it simply — as the name suggests — loops through the loopthrough variable. The dummies are discarded and not used.

However, pytorch does not know about this behaviour of the JoinDummies function, and considers the result of the function to actually depend on the dummies. Consequently, pytorch will also respect this dependency in the backward DAG.

The mpi4torch.JoinDummies() function also has a sister function mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle(), which is thought for situations in which the loopthrough variable is a mpi4torch.WaitHandle from a non-blocking MPI call, as e.g. returned by mpi4torch.MPI_Communicator.Isend(). The signature of mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle() is

def JoinDummiesHandle(handle: WaitHandle, dummies: List[torch.Tensor]) -> WaitHandle

Returning to the Isend-Recv-Wait example, we now want to put these tools to use. Starting with the call to mpi4torch.MPI_Communicator.Recv(), we want this call to happen after mpi4torch.MPI_Communicator.Isend(). Note that Isend returns a WaitHandle, which cannot directly be passed to JoinDummies. For these situations we will use the mpi4torch.WaitHandle.dummy property, which gives us a means to convert a WaitHandle to a dummy tensor. In the example from above this could then look like

handle = comm.Isend(a,(comm.rank+1)%comm.size, 0)
recvbuffer = mpi4torch.JoinDummies(torch.empty_like(a), [handle.dummy])
#                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#                                 This is what we
#                                 originally wanted
#                                 to pass to Recv
#                                                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#                                                      This adds the handle
#                                                      from the previous Isend call
#                                                      as a dummy dependency to the DAG
b = comm.Recv(recvbuffer, (comm.rank-1+comm.size)%comm.size, 0)

For the Wait we now also want this to happen after the Recv call. This time we make use of mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle().

b = comm.Recv(recvbuffer, (comm.rank-1+comm.size)%comm.size, 0)
wait_ret = comm.Wait(mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle(handle,[b]))

Note that we already added a return variable for Wait, since we still want to encode that our end result, the (implicit) sum of all res on all ranks, depends on the Isend to have finished. For that we introduce another call to mpi4torch.JoinDummies().

wait_ret = comm.Wait(mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle(handle,[b]))

res = mpi4torch.JoinDummies(a+b, [wait_ret])

The full code example now looks like

import torch
import mpi4torch

comm = mpi4torch.COMM_WORLD

a = torch.tensor([1.0 + comm.rank]).requires_grad_()

handle = comm.Isend(a,(comm.rank+1)%comm.size, 0)
recvbuffer = mpi4torch.JoinDummies(torch.empty_like(a), [handle.dummy])
b = comm.Recv(recvbuffer, (comm.rank-1+comm.size)%comm.size, 0)
wait_ret = comm.Wait(mpi4torch.JoinDummiesHandle(handle,[b]))

res = mpi4torch.JoinDummies(a+b, [wait_ret])

print(a.grad) # <- this would now correctly print tensor([2.])

This code would now print the correct result for a.grad. To exemplify the differences to the first version of the code we will also look at the DAG of the new version

digraph foo2 {
   subgraph clusterrankm1 {
      a [label="a"];
      res [label="res"];
      node [shape=rectangle];
      JoinDummies1 [label="JoinDummies"];
      JoinDummiesHandle [label="JoinDummiesHandle"];
      JoinDummies2 [label="JoinDummies"];
      Isend [label="Isend"];
      Wait [label="Wait"];
      Recv [label="Recv"];
      p1 [label="+"];
      a -> Isend;
      Isend -> JoinDummies1 -> Recv;
      Recv -> JoinDummiesHandle -> Wait;
      Isend -> JoinDummiesHandle;
      Recv -> p1 -> JoinDummies2;
      a -> p1;
      Wait -> JoinDummies2;
      JoinDummies2 -> res;
      label = "rank";
      color = black;

Forward DAG for the Isend-Recv-Wait idiom with dummy dependencies

The important point to note is that all communciation is part of a path between a and res, and in comparison to the first version of the code there are no “dead branches”. pytorch’s AD engine thus has to call the respective backward methods when it propagates the gradient back from res to a.grad.


In general, if you write a function that uses mpi4torch internally and shall be automatic differentiable, make sure that all communication primitives are through one way or another part of a DAG path that connects input and output of that function.